Joined: 28 Oct 2006 Posts: 262 Location: Willington near Bedford and anywhere Mia is performing
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:03 pm Post subject: Mia at the Ranelagh 22 Oct 2009 |
As you know I went to the Ranelagh this week as Richard Lobb had announced that Mia would be there. Lyn decided she would come with me, which was a pleasant surprise as she doesnt often accompany me to anything musical.
Mia looked great, said she felt great but that she only has 8 weeks or so left at work. She said that sister Nikki is coming over from NZ for Xmas so may be here for the birth - baby is due Jan 1. Her scan did not reveal the sex of the baby - she had asked to be told if possible but it remains a mystery.
Mummy Silvas said that they were leaving later in the evening to collect Lucie from the airport and Mr & Mrs S left around 2230pm. I note from Lucies Twitters that she expects to be back in the USA before long. Part of me was hoping she would stay for Judie's concert on the 15th Nov. but I guess not.
Other musical attendees were Ben Epstein, Jon Green, Tom Meadows, Richard Lobb, Ryan Haberfield, Laura Wilson, Vin Goodwin and Anna Krantz so as you can imagine it was a GREAT night. I only took photos. One person was videoing so something may appear on YouTube.
Marc was there too, he brought along a mutual female friend who I have known for 20 years but not seen for 4 or 5, so that was lovely to see her.
Mia's set (3 tracks)
Miss Communication
Trouble all the way (dedicated to Ryan)
Anna K brought the house down with a rocking version of her song "How you going to love me"